Hello! It's been a while, hasn't it? Or perhaps not; maybe you have just stumbled on this and it has been about two seconds since you've read my last post. That is also likely.

Anyway, as the title might suggest, today I've decided to talk about art! And complacency! What a surprise—it's not like I just restated the title that's up there in big font. This is all about me, and I will probably be wrong, so feel free to disregard the following!

As an artist, I feel like I've been a bit passive in my approach to art. I can see my improvement (thank goodness I can, because my old art was... not that good) and I try my best in every new piece I attempt, but I can't help but find I've lapsed into a sort of complacency. I don't use references much, even though I have experienced how much they help with posing and anatomy. I spitball every colour palette, and my shading is a very simple Add/Subtract layer. Also, backgrounds. And line weight. And clothing. It's all just, put on the back burner.

As a fan artist (yeah, yeah, cringe; I'm free though), it's kind of weird; I'm doing art for 'fun', almost; I didn't (don't?) see the need to, like, actively work to improve on something that is good enough (and got likes/shares. shush; the validation is still needed). This also applies for writing like. I am so proud of how much I've improved, but I don't want(?) to improve(??). I am practically allergic to feedback. I don't want to look at things I've created too closely, because there's a part of me convinced that it is actually terrible. And I don't like finding out that something I worked hard on sucks.

Well, I don't see myself going into the art industry at all; my passions mostly lie in science and technology. Still, this year I told myself that I would work a little harder, try a little more, and be a little braver. I want to be better at art, in my own way—more than that, I want to be proud and satisfied with my art (and not in the lying, I am too lazy to probe further so I'll say it's good way).

Fingers crossed this works out, hey?

Yours sincerely,
— PX.